Monday 9 October 2017

Getting ready for The Cold Time

My Badger Cubs have settled down after all the horrors of yesterday. Today we were busy preparing our sett for The Cold Time.  We spend a lot of time Underground when it is cold so we need to make sure that all the tunnels and chambers are clean and snug full of lovely bedding.  Here is a picture of me collecting bedding drawn by a man called Michael Clark who really loves Badgers.  He likes Badgers so much that he has written a whole book about us.

We also need to eat a lot more than usual at this time of year to keep us going through The Cold Time.  We can grow enormously fat and wobbly so our tunnels have to be big enough for us to get in and out.  

Some Humen and Huwomen like to go Badger watching.  They sit quietly in a glass shed called a Hide and as it gets dark they wait for us to come out.  They put dog food or peanuts to tempt us out.  We think this is very funny and sometimes we will make them wait ages before we come out.  We sit inside the tunnel laughing at them.  They think we can't see them but we see them well enough and they really smell, especially some of the Huwomen who cover themselves in strange strong scents.  Perhaps that is to put the Humen off wanting to mate with them.

Badgers like mating and, like Humen and Huwomen, we do it all year.  Sometimes Brian and I would have fun with the Hupeople at the Hide and make them blush by having a bit of "slap and tickle". But not when it was an evening for the Hucubs.  I so miss my mate....We also pop in and out of our sett to confuse them about how many we are.  

But we like the Humen and Huwomen who come to see us because they are kind and don't want to kill us.  It is best if you don't tell your friends about where we live because some Humen will come back later and dig us out, make us fight with their big dogs and kill our cubs.  Humen are a confusing species.  

This is a picture of some Badger lovers who are trying to stop the killing.  Thousands of them got together and walked to Mrs May's house to tell her not to hurt us.

As I haven't heard back from Mr Gove yet, I will ask my Human friend Bob to take me to London again tomorrow to see if I can see Mr Gove, or Mrs May.  It will be nice to see the Hupolice again.

Night Night 🐾

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