Tuesday 17 October 2017

Betty meets Mr. Gove- at last

What an amazing day.  I went to see The DEFRA.  It is near a big River called the Thames .  Badgers are good swimmers but the River was very brown so I thought it might be dirty.  Here is a picture of a map which is supposed to help you find your way..  I got lost:

In fact The DEFRA is a building full of Humen and Huwomen and most of them don't wear blue suits.  Some do and they pretended that they didn't see me.  This is DEFRA and this is me outside DEFRA:

The Humen and huwomen without suits who live at DEFRA are mostly much more friendly than the ones at Downing Street.  Most of them waved at me. The security Humen were a bit worried about me, probably because they had never seen a Badger before and they asked if I had a petition to hand in.  I didn't know what one of those was and I said that I just wanted to stand for a few hours and meet the DEFRA Humans.  He didn't know what to do with a solitary Badger so told me to not get in the way of Hupeople and showed me the camera that would be watching me.  This is the camera I stood under:

I hope they didn't watch me eat my lunch because I can be a bit of a messy eater, as those worms do wriggle quite a lot.

I soon discovered what a petition was as some nice Hupeople with pictures of very strange animals came to hand in a petition.  This was asking for Primates (like hairy Humen) not to be kept as pets.  I have to agree with them; Badgers wouldn't like to  be pets nor would Hupeople as we all want to be free to wander around and do our things.  
I then met two lovely people from a place called Birmingham which is nearly as far as Man Chester.  They want to stop animals being skinned and worn as fur by the Hupeople.  I haven't seen any naked Hupeople yet so I guess they have enough clothes already.  DEFRA must be a very powerful  building if it can make such important decisions on Primates and fur and on killing Badgers.

And then it happened.  Mr Gove appeared.  As my friends know, I have been waiting for an appointment with Mr Gove for months but he is a very busy Human and I am still waiting.  But here he was today, bouncing up the steps to DEFRA... and he waved at me!!!  I did ask if I could have a photo taken with him but he dashed off.  So I have to borrow a picture.  I think he will like this picture- he does look a bit strange in some of the other ones:

Image result for michael Gove

He looks very kind here so I hope that he will see me and change his mind about killing Badgers.  Apparently he made a speech last week about being kind to Elephants which live in hot places like Africa and India.  If he is kind to animals then he will probably stop the killing of 33,500 of my Badger friends this Autumn.  If I do get to see him properly and talk to him I will tell him how my Husband Badger Brian was shot by his people leaving me with my three cubs Benjamin, Bryony and Boniface to look after on my own.  We are all heartbroken.  We miss Brian Badger so much.

I am not sure that DEFRA is a good place to live.  Lots of Hupeople there gave me the "thumbs  up" and I had a couple of Hi5s but not many would talk to me.  A few said that they agreed that I was innocent and told me to keep up the good work, but most of them looked a bit worried when they waved at me.  Two lovely Humen offered me cake! Then one of them said that they had been told not to talk to me and they were probably worried that they might get into trouble withe the DEFRA Big Humen in blue suits.  I could tell that some of them were quite stressed because they popped out and ate smoke or fog from a little tube to cheer themselves up.

DEFRA is in Smith Square where there is a Church that sells food and plays music.  A fan called Tom left me a comment on my BLog the other day about the Great Cosmic Badger who will look after me.  I wonder if HE or SHE was in the Church today looking after me?

I had such a lovely time today that I will probably go back tomorrow to see some of the new friends I made.  A Huwoman and a Human recognised me from Downing Street so Betty Badger is getting quite famous.  That would be nice, if it stops DEFRA hurting us.

I so hope that Mr Gove talks to me tomorrow.  

Night night 🐾


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you whoever you are. Tell your friends about Betty....Please

  2. Hi Betty Badger!! It's Catherine here, you spoke to me and my fiance about our anti-fur petition :) I absolutely loved reading your post! Will definitely be reading the rest of your blog. I'll post a link to your blog on Instagram :) Best wishes x

    1. Hello Catherine. It was good to meet you and your friend who are kind Hupeople who care about animals. Thank you for being so lovely. Please tell your friends and anyone you know in DEFRA about Betty. Perhaps they will have a revolution against the cruel Men in Blue Suits! xxx
