Sunday 8 October 2017

Good News and Bad News

It was such a scary time that I didn't write my Badger diary last night.  I am sure you were all worried in case I had been shot by the Humen with the flash-bang sticks.   Well here I am safe and well.

After I last wrote I went out looking for the cubs.  I called and Boniface and Benjamin ran to me.  They had terrible news that Bryony was caught in a peanut trap set by the Humen.  Bryony just can't resist the scent of peanuts.  We all ran across the field to where the boycubs had left her and there was the trap- empty...

We were so worried that she had been shot and taken away, but suddenly we heard a snuffling and shuffling and Byrony came running towards us.  

Bryony told us how a group of Humen and Huwomen came out of the dark dressed in black and took her out of the cage. They were Badger friendly Humen and Huwomen.  She told us about them so we would remember them.  There was the older Humen who she called Bright Eyes because he had blue eyes that shone like the lake in moonlight.  Then there was Badgerman who had hair on his face like badger hair.  Then there was a Huwoman who had a ring through her nose who he called Snow White because she was pale and then there was the Huwoman with her long light fur piled on top of her head and her name was Wombly.  

It is so good to know that there are some kind Humen and Huwomen, but there are not enough to save all our Badger friends.  Bob our Human friend told us that THE DEFRA will kill 33,000 Badgers this Autumn.  That is a huge number - too big to think of. I didn't think there were that many Badgers in the whole world.

Later we found Barbara who had not been so lucky. I am sure her family will be so very sad that she did not come home. This is Barbara.  Bob told us that the string and paper that looked like a gift tag told the Humen how many Badger Friends had been killed last night in our area.  Barbara was 200:

I hope the cubs have learned their lesson and will keep away from metal cages no matter how many peanuts are inside.

Bob said how few Humens know about the Badger killing and asked me to go with him to an Apple Day where there were lots of people who care about Nature and Wildlife.  So I told everyone about the Killing and I made lots of friends, young and not so young, Humen and Huwomen...... and dogs

The very best thing about today was the Honey Shop.  I took a jar back to the sett for the cubs, but I will need to get Bob to open it for me.  Humen have their uses.

Night Night Humen and Huwomen from a much happier Betty 🐾


  1. Well done, Dear Betty Badger. Even though you may be sad you go out and about and some young Humen and Huwomen see you and learn what it is to love the animal kingdom.

  2. Thank you Tom. Where there's life there's hope.������
