Friday 6 October 2017

Fear and Trembling in Badger World

Although I promised to tell you about the horrible Conservatory Human who shouted at me over the Hedge Hogs, there is a dreadful emergency going on so I have to deal with that now.

I can hear the Humen with guns close by and I am scared for my cubs Benjamin, Bryony and Boniface who are out foraging.  They are the most important thing in my world and I have to go and find them.  I do hope they are safe.  Perhaps they have found a hole to hide in,,,,,

I don't understand why the Humen are so cruel to us Badgers when we just mind our own business, eating worms and bringing up our cubs

I must go and look for them along our badger paths.

Badger photo from Herts and Middlesex Badger group.  Badger gratitude to my Human and Huwoman friends. šŸ¾


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope your cubs are safe, Betty, and that no hu-man took a pot-shot at you! X
