Tuesday 13 February 2018

Come and Join Betty and her Babies on 22nd February

I am thrilled to tell you that I now have 3 new cubs.  They were born just after I got back from DEFRA last Thursday. I was really worried that they might pop out in my excitement when Mr Gove waved and said Hello again, or that they might be born in the Tubeworm - that would have caused quite a fuss- but we held on until I got back to my sett.

Huwoman Mary made me have what she called a shower before the cubs popped out.  A shower is like a waterfall without the cliff, or a hard rain shower that comes from a tiny cloud.  Mary said that it wouldn't be good for my cubs to be lying on my chest and suckling with all the London pollution on my fur. This is a shower:

My new cubs are Brian, Blanche and Buddha. 

Of course Brian is named after their father Brian who was killed by Mr Gove in the Badger Kill Cull.  I still miss my mate so much.....  Then Blanche is named after the Government Human with the bright white shirt and the sweet smile.  Buddha, Bud for short, is named after the kind DEFRA man who always stops and chats and I think is a Buddhist because he is wise and compassionate. 

Bud is turning ginger so his life might be a little bit more challenging.  Here is another picture of a ginger Badger:

I might have named one of my cubs after Mr Gove too if he had stopped the Kill Cull. Mr Gove has quite a reputation as an Animal lover amongst his Conservatory friends.  Here is a cartoon from a Conservatory magazine.  

Interestingly there are no Badgers in this picture. I do still wonder if Mr Gove knows anything about Badgers- he still has not replied to our letters.  Mary has searched on the internet and there is no picture of him meeting a Badger.   This is a picture of Mr Gove and a Dog. Mr Gove, this Dog is around the same size as a Badger but we are black and white..

My cubs need feeding so I won't say much more now but there are a few important things that I must say before I go.

Firstly, I want to say a big thank you to the lovely DEFRA Human who gave me an Apple when I was feeling a bit weak on Thursday.  That was so kind.  The Apple was called Braeburn but I don't know what the Human was called.

Secondly, I will not be at DEFRA this Thursday as I have to feed the cubs.   Bu.t I will be back next week, the 22nd for a very special day:

I want to invite you and all your friends to come to my get-together outside DEFRA on Thursday 22nd  February from 12 until 2.  

Since Mr Gove and DEFRA have not taken any real notice of me as I stand there month after month, I want to show them that Betty Badger has Hupeople friends who care about her and her Badger friends. These lovely Hupeople don't want thousands and thousands of Badgers killed this Autumn with the traps and the flashbang sticks when they are innocent and just want to live their lives quietly underground eating worms.... and peanuts.  The Badgerman Dominic whom I met a couple of weeks ago has turned our photo into an event:

Gosh!  We even have a couple of speakers...  I would be too excited to sleep, although the cubs are already keeping me awake.

See you soon,
Lots of Badger Love,

From Betty, Blanche, Brian and Bud


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