Thursday 21 December 2017

Wonderful News, but then.....

I was about to write my Betty Badger BLog and tell you all some amazingly wonderful news but then my Human friend Bob broke my heart with some really tragic news.  My friends at DEFRA have just announced that they have killed 19,274 Badgers this Autumn.  My Brian was one of those...

And we have lost so many more family and friends:

Whose bodies are treated like so much rubbish and dumped on roadsides:

Even though I am still not very well and I should be hibernating, I will go down to DEFRA tomorrow and tell them what I think, before they all go off on their Christmas holidays. 

 My Human friend Bob was telling me about Christmas holidays.  It is a time of year, just after the shortest day, when many Hupeople gather together in town centres, on roads, and at home eating and drinking so much that they get sick.  They also fight a lot and shout at each other, especially when they are stuck in their cars on the roads, and they spend all the money they earned all year.   I think Badgers are much more sensible.  Then again, we have been around on the Earth for much longer that Hupeople so they might gain some wisdom one day.

Once I get over this sadness I will tell you the most wonderful news that will make all my friends very happy indeed.

Night night,

Betty 🐾🐾

1 comment:

  1. This is so sad, Dear Betty. Take good care of yourself when you go out among the hupeople.
