Friday 17 August 2018

Sweaty Betty becomes Wet Bet

Hello Betty Badger Friends! The last two Thursdays at DEFRA have been quite trying for this Badger.  I thought that the 35 degree heat was bad but I have been nearly drowned for the last two weeks. Mary said it has been like standing  a car wash.  I didn't know what one of those was but isn't The Google Oracle clever? This is a car wash:

I got very wet paws...but there are advantages to rain. Firstly, Badgers love Worms- half our diet is made up of Worms.  When it is dry they go deep underground where we can't reach them so we get hungry,  When it rains heavily, they lounge around on the grass surface waiting for us to eat them.  Here is a picture of Worms that makes me feel happy and hungry.

Another good thing about rain is that it makes some Hupeople very kind.   Now, I have heard that Estate Agents have a bad reputation, but when I was standing in the pouring rain a nice Human came across the road from Garton Jones and offered me an umbrella because he felt so sorry for me.  See? estate agents do have hearts.  

And then two lovely Huwomen from Caffe Nero brought across a cup of steaming coffee for me and the cubs to warm us up.  They make good strong coffee, although it made the cubs a bit uppity.

After that a group of Huwomen came and talked to us and asked to have their photo taken with me.  Now that I have been on Woman's Hour I am a bit of a Celebrity Badger.  These Women are members of a group called Damesnet.  Mary looked at the internetweb and it looks like it is a club for very clever females who talk about things like Art and Politics and Cleavage. They were in London  for a Picnic,which means "eating outside".  So we Badgers have Picnics every day.  They said it was too wet to have a Picnic so wandered off laughing noisily having a jolly time.  I told Mary she should join them...

As we were going home we saw a young Huwoman in a pretty dress talking on her phone with water pouring down her face.  It had stopped raining by then and Mary explained that the water was coming from her eyes and she was crying. It seems that her heart was broken by her mate dumping her. So when your heart breaks water comes out of your eyes...  When my Brian was killed with the flash-bang sticks in the KillCull I probably cried too.

In Pimlico Tubeworm Station they sometimes have Hupeople without setts lying around but this week all the Homeless Hupeople's beds were wet and they had gone away to find somewhere dry to sleep. 


But we found a homeless Dog  in the station looking very sad.  He was still there whining on his bed when we came back hours later. 

Mary was in tears about these Hupeople and Dog, but the staff at Pimlico are kind and I'm sure they look out for Dog.  They even put uplifting sayings on a board every day to help the Commuters with heavy hearts.  

The security Hupeople outside DEFRA in Marsham Street are always very friendly and they don't send us away but one of them said to Mary that she was wasting her time and making herself ill standing around in all weathers .  Mary told him that since DEFRA won't stop killing Badgers she has to keep reminding people that the wickedness is going on.  I don't mind going with her and it gives the cubs a day out.

I promised to tell you how the cubs were getting on .  Benjamin, Bryony and Boniface are all grown up now and have their own mates.  They have their own chambers in our sett but come and see me often. The little ones Brian, Blanche and Buddha don't need my milk anymore, but it was touch and go when the weather was so dry because some badgers died as they didn't have water or Worms.  Luckily Mary has a pond and a supply of peanuts so we got through the dry season.

Of course I am very very worried about the announcement that Mr Gove will make any day now about how many Badgers he wants to kill this Autumn. Mary has been in correspondence with (which means writing to) DEFRA regularly.  She wants them to vaccinate Cows and and stop ALL cattle movements from counties where there is CowTB. They say there isn't a vaccine for Cows that is suitable.  Mary said that she finds it remarkable how Hupeople can send Humen and Huwomen to The Moon, manipulate DNA, create the Google Oracle and create Hucubs in test tubes and they STILL haven't managed to create a vaccine.  I think it is because they want to carry on blaming Badgers for TB so they have an excuse to Kill us.  Some Hupeople hate Badgers and enjoy killing us.

Oh, one final bit of news.  Remember how me and Mary went to the Conservatory Party Conference in Man Chester last year? 
Conservatory Party
Conference 2018

Well, this year it is in Birmingham where Mary has kin and she will take me up there with her.  We are contacting her MP Grant Schnapps to see if he can get us a ticket to meet all the MPs and talk to them about Badgers.  "In your dreams" some people might say, but if you don't have a dream, how will you have a dream come true?  

Our fan Tom who writes lovely poems and prose in the comments section after each BLog keeps our spirits up when me and Mary lose hope.  He makes us remember how important it is to save our Badger friends and to do what we can.  For older people like Mary she stands around and writes letters, while younger fitter people are already building camps in the KillCull zones  to save Badger lives.  We Badgers are so grateful  and glad that there are brave, wise and compassionate Hupeople on our side.  Thank you lovely Hupeople.

Night Night

Betty  🐾🐾


  1. Replies
    1. Dear Simon. Mary says a big "Thank you". Betty xx

  2. Indeed you are an inspiration.

    1. Dear Steve, Mary says a big Thank you" to you too. She also tells me that you are a bit of an inspiration too. Love, Betty xxx

  3. Thank you Mary & Betty, we will keep up the fight x

    1. Thank you brave Huperson. Keep safe and warm. You restore our faith in Hupeople. Me and my cubs and my family and all the Badger kin are so grateful for everything you do for us. Thank you for all the lives you have saved. Betty xxx

  4. Dear Betty, you and Mary are adventurous souls.

    I am left wondering how Mary knows what it is like standing in a car wash! (Human females can be very mysterious creatures. Maybe Brian felt the same way about you, Betty.)

    You had so many encounters - with happy hupeople and sad tearful ones, with stern security humen and an unhappy dog, with kind estate agents and staff at the Tubeworm station, and you witnessed the wet bedding of the poor homeless hupeople. How sad it was to meet the poor abandoned dog, and how odd to meet clever raucous ladies on a picnic in the rain.
    Mary is very wise. When she spoke to the security human she told him that " since DEFRA won't stop killing Badgers she has to keep reminding people that the wickedness is going on". Like a Badger she is steadfast and full of courage.

    When you stand outside DEFRA remember all the people who are with you in spirit, dear Betty and Mary.

    Love from Tom.


    After the intense heat came the rain
    the woman in the badger suit was cold and wet
    her hips ached

    someone spoke disparagingly
    many more spoke with warmth and enthusiasm.
    she witnessed suffering and acts of kindness
    she received acts of kindness

    she was loaned an umbrella
    a badger with an umbrella
    she herself was a bit like an umbrella
    shielding the innocent with her reverence for life


    among the ancient groves of trees
    badgers followed their hallowed ways.

    stars looking down
    witnessed their joy.

    the forest vibrant with their vitality.

    1. Dear Tom. Me and Mary are so grateful that we have you as a loyal friend and supporter. Mary tells me that she feels humbled to read your lovely words. I tell her just to enjoy them and realise how lucky she is to have such a sweet fan who writes gorgeous thoughtful words. I like the bit about the badger with the umbrella. I bet I looked nice with my red umbrella.. not that I am a vain Badger...
      Love, Betty xx x

  6. It's not that there isn't a vaccine, it's that EU regs forbid the use of vaccines: COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 13 December 1977: establishing the Community criteria for national plans for the accelerated eradication of brucellosis, tuberculosis and enzootic leukosis in cattle: (78/52/EEC).....


    'Article 13

    Member States shall ensure that under a plan for the accelerated eradication of tuberculosis:

    (a) the presence and suspected presence of tuberculosis are compulsorily and immediately notifiable to the competent authority;

    (b) the following are prohibited:

    (i) any therapeutic or desensitizing treatment of tuberculosis;

    (ii) anti-tuberculosis vaccination.'

    Hopefully once we leave the EU we will be able to vaccinate!!!!!!

    1. Dear Unknown. Now that Mary is almost better after her tumble she can concentrate a little on serious matters. She has been writing to her MP and Defra since 2011 on the question of a vaccine. In 2011 Defra was planning to invest £15.5 million over the next 4 years on better vaccine for Cows and Badgers. In 2013 she was told that the Diva test was almost ready and in the process of testing. I don't know if it passed that test but it sounds as if, even if it did, the EU would still not allow vaccination of cattle. Which seems a bit odd since I think we can be pretty sure that some of our exported dairy products will be infected with bTB as the testing regime is not that effective, with the cheaper Cow test most frequently used. Of course, we haven't worked out the terms of any trade deal and it may be post-Brexit that we still have to abide by those rules. Bad news for Betty and her chums.
      Thank you for taking time to write the comment. We both really appreciate it. Betty x

    2. Thanks for the reply Betty Badger. I realise that after we leave the EU they would most likely not accept any cows we vaccinate, but if we vaccinated cattle in the high and edge areas, there would be enough in the low and clear areas to export, leaving the vaccinated ones for 'home' use.....

      So after March 2019 we don't need to wait any longer for a 'new' vaccine or for the Diva test to be approved......

      If we don't start vaccinating cows next year, to me it shows that the government really do not care about farmers or cows and just want an excuse to kill badgers.

      BTW I do like your new umbrella xxxxxxx

    3. Dear Unknown. Thank you for taking time to write to me. I showed Mary and she said that you are a very clever and kind person. Yes, we like the umbrella too. Mary has been very upset over the last few days because of the announcement by Mr Gove. We are all afraid that I will be shot. Mary has spent all day writing to papers and MPs and DEFRA, but I think she is beginning to despair. Anyway, I hope you saw the last 2 blogs. Mary's knee is much better. Thank you from me, Betty, and the cubs. x

  7. Betty, you kindly allowed me to take your picture outside Defra. My FB friends and I love what you are doing. I do not believe there is a case to support badgers passing on TB. Don't give up hope. We all love you!

    1. Thank you! A delight to meet you and I am so grateful for your kind words and support. New Blog written and posted. Betty xx
