Thursday 30 August 2018

Betty's Brolly Mystery

Hello Fans!  Betty Badger here.

My last 2 Thursdays at DEFRA have been full of adventure: a Mystery Brolly,  Mary took a tumble and my Badger friends came to visit.

I am itching... not with fleas but to tell you about my Umbrella.   I am SO excited because yesterday DPD delivered me a long thin cardboard box addressed to Betty Badger.  Now, this is the first parcel or present I have ever received in my whole Badger life.  The present is an Umbrella from Jolly Brolly in black and white to match my face. The whole family couldn't wait to use it so we went straight out in Mary's garden and played with it.  

It is a mystery because there was no sender's name on it .  If you sent to please let me know in the Comments section below as I cannot sleep for wondering.  Perhaps the DEFRA staff had a collection for me because they felt sorry for me getting so wet.  Or perhaps it was Michael Gove in a fit of guilty conscience.  Or maybe I have a secret admirer.....

Well, I was so proud of my Brolly that I took it to DEFRA today even though it was going to be dry all day.  People thought it was to keep the sun off- or to get noticed.  In fact I just wanted to say thank you and show the mystery gift-giver how happy and proud I was.  Here I am with my Brolly today:

Hupeople were happy to stop and talk and take my picture today because it was sunny and I had my Brolly.  I met a lovely Huwoman called Jo and a Human called Dean.  Dean was a very clever Human but he hadn't heard about the Badger Kill Cull which tells me that I need to keep standing here to tell people.  I waved at lots of Hucubs  and shook hands with a little Girlcub called Alexandra.  I have just had a lovely message from a fan I met today who tells me that she and her friends on the Book of Faces love me.

All wasn't happiness today because on our way home form DEFRA Mary took a tumble.  Fortunately she didn't squash me!  She said it was because she hadn't had anything to eat and her blood sugar was low.  I told her that she is getting too old for gallivanting around carrying Umbrellas and a family of Badgers.  A lovely Huwoman who was about to have Cubs, judging by the size of her belly, helped me up.  Mary eventually struggled up too.  Mary was a bit worried that she had ripped her tights exposing her bloody knee but I told her not to worry since everyone seemed to be wearing torn leg coverings nowadays so, at last, she was in fashion.  Mary won't be too happy about this but here is a picture of her knees:

 Which is not so different from this which I found on the Google Oracle:

Cut Out Knee Ripped Jeans,L

Last Thursday I had a big surprise when two Badger Friends Boris and Betsy came to visit me along with their Huwoman friend Chris.  They all do lots of work to save Badgers and other wildlife in distress and I am very proud to know them.  Here is a picture of us all:

Mary has booked us into a Travelodge in Birmingham for the Conservatory Party Conference in October. I wish I could go on a Virgin train again because it was designed with a pointy nose in honour of Badgers.... and we got free nuts:

Unfortunately Mary is going to drive .... she is not known as Stirling Moss for nothing.

We are still awaiting the announcement from Mr Gove about the numbers of Badgers to be killed with flash bang sticks this Autumn.  He is probably waiting until there is something exciting on the News so that people won't notice.  I know that Mary will have rain coming from her eyes when the announcement is made as will lots of her Badger Loving friends. 

II have just seen that someone has kindly made a comment on last fortnight's BLog about vaccine for Cows.  Mary says she knows that but didn't want to over-complicate the issue for Betty Badger and her fans by talking about the test that was supposed to tell if Cows had TB or were just vaccinated.  The EU was involved in that too.  Mary also said that the test was supposed to be ready in 2014 so delay is still the issue.  Mary is a bit under par after her tumble (in fact she just had to get her Neighbour to open a door for her because her hands have stopped working properly) but she will reply to you about this when she feels better.  Meanwhile I am giving you a link to a story about Chris Packham and some Celebrity  Badgers (like Betty!) who might be killed in the Kill Cull.

So we are going to finish for now but, in case you are wondering about the sad lonely dog I saw in Pimlico in the rain,  well he is back with his Human and OK.  Here is a blurred picture I look to reassure you:

The Dog is warm and dry and comfortable. 

Next time I must tell you about the other Creatures who live in the fields and woods around my sett.  Those rutting deer are warming up again!

Night Night!  Betty🐾🐾


  1. Dear Betty,
    How marvellous. A secret supporter - someone who wants to help but remains anonymous.
    It points to the many warm-hearted hupeople who care about you but remain silent for whatever reason.
    Poor Mary, I hope she is mending after her tumble. You must teach her how to roll and gambol - as your clan do in the secrecy of the forest. It would be lovely to see you both rolling about on the grass outside DEFRA rather than falling down on hard pavements.
    You both have great courage, and I carry you in my heart.
    Love, Tom



    Warriors wear their scars proudly
    they are badges of courage and fortitude

    this warrior’s weapons are words and reason.
    words are her spear, her arrows, her blade
    reason is her shield,
    her strategy is her self
    her tactic

    she stands outside DEFRA
    clear eyed she watches machinations of deceit
    (though tears may follow).

    She stands fearlessly
    the Time Spirit* is watching
    embracing her courage, her light and truth,
    His festival draws nearer
    balancing light and dark.
    The Goddess with the sheaf of corn makes way for the scales of justice


    sunlight filtering through falling leaves
    badgers scuffling in the debris on the forest floor
    weaned cubs finding their own food.
    planet earth rolling towards the equinox,
    autumn is near.

    * Michael, the Archangel

  2. Dear Tom, Thank you for your supportive and poetic message. I have told Mary to learn to fall over better. Or perhaps she could wear a padded suit?

    Mary loved your poem although it was a bit too clever for a Badger to understand. Did you know that Michael the Archangel has the same Birthday as Mary. She is in good company. But she does envy his wings.

    Autumn is definitely coming. We smell it in the air and we are busy getting our setts ready for the Big Cold.

    Sending you Love and Gratitude. Betty and Mary xxx
