Tuesday 10 July 2018

Mr Gove's Nemesis

Hello Fans, Betty Badger Here!

After my exciting visit to Woman's Hour I returned to DEFRA next day and was thrilled to find that Hupeople had heard me talking on the radio.  Some lovely Hupeople called Annie, Dave and John came to visit to tell me that they had heard me on the wireless and I had inspired them to work to get the Badger Kill Cull stopped.  So Betty Badger DID touch some Hupeople's hearts.  Another Human came visiting too after hearing me and wished me luck. This is the picture the BBC took of Mary.  It is VERY flattering:

A DEFRA Human came to chat and told me that he had a plant based diet (like me- except for the worms and bees and a very odd hedgehog) and he thought that the DEFRA policy was insane and utterly immoral.  Well, we all know that.

As a result of all the excitement after Woman's Hour I decided to ride the wave of enthusiasm and I began by writing to Tena for sponsorship for a big surprise I am planning for DEFRA.  It's a secret....Thay have passed my request to their Marketing Department so fingers crossed.
I also wrote to The Daily Mail and the PM programme to see if they would like to feature the Intrepid Betty Badger.  My headline was going to be "Betty Badger- Michael Gove's Nemesis". I wasn't really sure what a Nemesis was but Mary found it for me and says it means "The inescapable agent of someone's downfall".  That sounds just right.  If Mr Gove does not have the courage to stop the unscientific, cruel and expensive Badger Kill Cull then I want to be his Nemesis.  

I didn't get a reply from The Daily Mail.  Perhaps that might have something to do with the fact that Mr Gove's Mate Sarah Vine is a journalist there. Here is a picture of Mr Gove and his Mate Sarah Vine and their Dog:

I went back to DEFRA again today and I met Dominic Dyer of The Badger Trust along with a Human from the Born Free Foundation.  They were going in to a meeting about Wildlife Crime.  The security Human wouldn't let the third Human in because he had his bicycle with  him so I looked after it for him so he could go into the meeting.  So Badgers have their uses- other than for shaving brushes..  

I thought about riding the bike as I would probably be the first Badger ever to ride a bicycle but it was one of those clever Brompton bikes which folds up really small and I couldn't work out how to make it grow.

Today a was very very hot for a Badger as we have such thick hair and an Angel saved my life bringing me a bottle of cool water which was the best drink I have ever had.   It came from a highland Spring.

Mary tells me that I might be valuable.  Apparently in the next Kill Cull Mr Gove will pay people £50 for each Badger they kill.  So that is the price on my babies' heads- oh, and mine.  I did read that some wicked Humen will pay up to £700 for a live Badger so they can do Badger Baiting, which is putting a Badger in a ring with Dogs and getting them to fight to the death.  That would be a dreadful way to be killed.  Mary has a video here which she took one night which shows that we can be very brave when attacked by  Dogs....

All those young Foxes are dead now, killed by the local gamekeeper in the last couple of weeks.  That is sad because we were becoming the best of friends. 

We still haven't heard about our appointment with Mr Eustice who is a Minister of State at DEFRA.  Mary thinks he hasn't replied because I made a mistake and called him Mr Useless.  I am sorry if that upset him.... but I bet that's what they called him at school.

This week a very brave Human called Tom Langton is taking the Government to Court over the Badger Kill Cull. Apparently a court is a big old building full of wise old Hueople who make decisions which can profoundly affect the lives of Hupeople (and Badgers this week).  This is Tom Langton:

I do hope he manages to stop the Killing.  If  you believe in a God or Goddess then please pray for his success.  I might go there on Thursday once I have finished being interviewed by 38 Degrees outside DEFRA.  Betty is such a Busy Badger...

Time to get the Cubs up and the sett cleared out  and new hay collected.  Although lots of Animals are really struggling with no rain, at least we have lots of fresh hay to make our setts sweet smelling and dry.  Please put out some water for the Birds and Animals and save some lives.

Night Night .  

Betty Badger 🐾🐾🐾


  1. Dear Betty,

    I am so glad that you took Mary to DEFRA again. I guess it must warm her heart, when kind hupeople seek her out as you stand guard by that portentous place.

    What a blessing to encounter the angel with the water.

    If Tena are sensible they will certainly ask you to be part of their advertising campaign. I am sure there are many good and lovely huwomen who would love to have your picture on their special pants. (And humen too - they also need extra special pants with a lovely badger on the bottom).

    How sad it is to hear about the foxes. One can only hope that some day the hupeople will wake up to the suffering they cause. They will see that every time they take a life it diminishes life itself, for all living beings are inter-connected.

    I suppose a nemesis is something that will one day unexpectedly bite one on the bottom, and Badgers are reputed to have a very powerful bite. So it better be you who bites the Minister and not Mary.

    Every time you and Mary go to DEFRA possibilities are created. Possibility for change in the hearts of all those hupeople who see you. And that may lead to a change of mind in someone who can change policy.

    You are both stalwart beings,

    Love from Tom

    1. Dear Tom. Thank you for your lovely message. Me and Mary were very touched. It is so good to have your support. Mary will probably bite Mr Gove's bottom before I get a chance as she is very Angry that he s not being kind to Badgers.
      Let us hope that there are more Angels who will touch the hearts of the cold people who want to hurt us Badgers.
      With Love and Snuffles,
      Betty (and Mary)

  2. Guarding the Invisible.
    The Little Prince teaches us that what is essential is invisible
    It can only be seen with the heart

    The huwoman in the Badger Suit stands guard outside DEFRA
    She is watching through the night

    She is waiting for the dawn
    The dawn when compassion and understanding will rise in hupeople's hearts

    Many hupeople are longing for the day to come
    When the Being of Love walks openly on the earth.

    Inwardly and outwardly we can stand beside Betty and Mary
    Simply stand beside those who are watching and waiting

    For the Being of Love.

    Along the bank - the forest boundary
    badgers are busy
    preparing their Setts
    teaching their cubs
    creating highways through the meadows
    trails through the trees
    seeking their sustenance
    Blessing this Land.

    1. Dear Tom,
      Mary has read The Little Prince too- in fact it is her favourite book even though it is for children. Mary told me to say that she is so touched by your words because you make her feel that she is doing something important. Sometimes she starts to lose heart and it is nice that someone appreciates what she is doing. Thank you for writing lovely poems for us both. Betty xxx
