Today was a big day for Badgers and for me Betty Badger. I got on my first moving picture when Lee (and Simon from came to DEFRA to hand in a petition about stopping the Badger Kill Cull. Do you know that more than 200,000 lovely Hupeople took the time to sign the petition including my friend Vanessa?
I hope I didn't upset Lee because the first thing I said to him was "You are very handsome....for a human". Lee is an ecologist who loves wildlife, especially Bats and Badgers and he lives in Wales where they have decided not to kill Badgers for no good scientific reason but instead use vaccination. Lee was very good at explaining how stupid the Kill Cull is. Here is our picture.
And here is the link to the video film of me and Lee:
Betty and Lee with Badger Petition
The video makes it look as if it all went very easily but the Hupeople at DEFRA in Marsham Street wouldn't let Lee in with his petition even though Lee had told them he was coming. They were worried that he might have a bomb in his box so we opened it. Here is a picture of me with the petition box bomb:
They wouldn't even let him hand in a memory stick with all the names on it in case it blew up the DEFRA computer system. In the end we went to the other DEFRA office in Smith Square where they are not as fussy. We had hoped that Mr Gove or Mr Eustice would take our petition but, as usual, they were too busy- probably talking about The Brexit or scheming to kill Mrs May.
Mary had been very excited about meeting Lee and Simon and she even made me a new sign to put round my neck as the other one was very scruffy . She didn't let me write the sign in case I got the spelling of "innocent" wrong again.
I met lots of my old DEFRA friends again so I am just sending them a message:
"HELLO FANS AT DEFRA! Nice to see you!
It was very hot today again and it was a bit difficult for me and Mary to stand around for hours, but we know it is important for us to keep people talking about Badgers. One interesting observation I made was that some of the the Humen cut off their leg coverings to keep cool. That is all very well, but when you are on the silver Tubeworm with Humen doing what is called Man-spreading then it can be very uncomfortable. A Human sitting next to Mary kept tickling her legs with his furry legs. He had more fur than a Badger.
This is a picture of Man spreading I found on the internet:
Still, I suppose they have to do that to keep their spermatozoa cool enough to make Cubs.....
All this talk of killing Badgers is making me feel sad so here is a picture from the internet of a happy healthy Badger
I still haven't heard from Mr Eustice about my appointment with him. Mary did get a letter this week from DEFRA using all the old false arguments to justify the Kill Cull. Such as the Irish experience. In fact the reason the number of TB cases reduced that time in Ireland was because of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth and Cattle movements were stopped, so Cows were not being moved from Farm to Farm spreading disease. The letter went on about the difficulty in making a vaccine for cows. They cannot have very good scientists working for them as they have been trying to make a vaccine for around ten years and still haven't worked out how to do it. Here are some scientists who look quite clever; perhaps DEFRA might give them a call:
The letter from The Correspondence Team at DEFRA also talked about its review of its Bovine TB Strategy by Sir Charles Godfray. Thinking that Mary would be impressed by this, they forgot that she knows that the Review by Sir Godfray does NOT include a review of the Badger KiIl Cull. Here is a picture of Charles Godfray:
He does look like quite a sensible man but if his terms of reference don't include the question of Killing Badgers then I don't suppose he will be of much help to us. I wonder why he is a Sir? Perhaps because he is so clever and wise. I wonder if they might make Mary or me a Sir one day, for being Doggedly persistent. I doubt it... because we are not part of The Establishment- or a celebrity. Oh Well.The letter from The Correspondence Team at DEFRA also talked about its review of its Bovine TB Strategy by Sir Charles Godfray. Thinking that Mary would be impressed by this, they forgot that she knows that the Review by Sir Godfray does NOT include a review of the Badger KiIl Cull. Here is a picture of Charles Godfray:
Time to cuddle up with my Cubs and give them some love and attention. They were so excited to be filmed; did you see them on the video? We are hoping that one day we will be on the Big Screen and be huge; that might make Politicians and Civil Servants be nicer to us.
Night Night,🐾🐾🐾