Saturday 28 April 2018

Betty Hunts Mr Gove

Hello Hupeople!  Betty Badger here again.

I had such an exciting day yesterday with Security Humen, Horses, Police and Mr Gove.  But it was nearly a disaster when I turned up at DEFRA to find that Mr Gove and many of his staff had left their sett!  Fortunately one of my fans, a DEFRA Mole, told me where Mr Gove was hiding so I trundled along the busy West Minster streets trying not to get run over. Being run over is an occupational hazard for us Badger Folk.

This is a Mole Image result for mole images

As you can see, Moles like eating worms and digging too.  To be honest, it wasn't this kind of Mole that told me about Mr Gove's new sett, but I don't want to get that Huperson into trouble...
Image result for 2 marsham street london

Anyway, Mr Gove's new sett is in the Seacold Building which is at 2 Marsham Street.  It is a huge building with lots of coloured glass that makes the ground pretty colours when the sun shines on it .  It has a front entrance that has Security Humen who don't like Badgers so they sent me away.  Here is a picture:

I felt very sad to be rejected but I wandered around the corner and found the staff entrance.  What a find!

The Seacold Buding is shared with The Home Office so there are lots and lots of Hupeople coming in and out.  Also it is a very busy street and lots of Hupeople passed by and many of them stopped to talk and take my picture.  Clearly the Home office staff haven't yet been told "Don't Engage with the Badger!"  And I saw some of my old friends from Smith Square who laughed and said how clever I was to track them down; they were very pleased to see me.

The security is very tight at 2 Marsham Street and the Security staff are not at all friendly.  They definitely don't like Badgers.   In fact they called the Police and along rode 2 Huwomen on Horses and they began to question me.  The Horse questions were easy to answer as all Horses really care about is grass.  The Police Huwmen wanted to know what I was doing and was I going to bring any friends.  I reassured them that I was harmless and alone and they told their radios that I was "non-confrontational" and not worth worrying about.   Here they all are:

I resigned myself to not seeing Mr Gove today as I guessed he would be using the Ministerial Entrance,  but how wrong I was.  He came along at around 2 pm looking very tired after a hard morning in Parliament sitting with Mrs Rudd.  I was so excited and called out "Oh, I've found you!" and he gave me a nice big wave. 

I met so many kind people today.  I met a beautiful Huwoman who told me she is a Vegan and doesn't harm any Animals including Badgers.  She took my picture too.  I met a couple of Humen in blue suits who stopped and listened to my story about the Badger Kill Cull.  They said they would try to help me. I met Humen Cubs on their way to play games like cricket and tennis. I didn't get too tired standing up today because I had so much fun.  I am so glad that I can tell all the Hupeople in the Home Office about how cruel some of the DEFRA Hupeople are.  Perhaps they will help me to stop the killing; I do hope so for the sake of the 50,000 Badger Folk who might die this Autumn.

I just want to tell you about some other things.  I didn't know that Hupeople lived underground but I often see them in Pimlico Train Station.  They make very impressive tunnels  I guess that makes them very tired which is why they are always asleep; here is one of the Hupeople who lives in Pimlico tunnel.  

Some of you might not realise that there is a section on the end of each BLog where you can write a comment.  Well, one of my biggest fans called Tom often writes a comment and last week he wrote me a poem.  As you probably haven't looked at the comment section I thought that it deserved to be seen by more people as it is so nice.  In fact it made me blush and cry a bit...

For Betty

the Ground of All Being,
ran the forest track
on four broad paws.

the Wisdom of the Universe
found expression
In her aerodynamic form

the Life of the Cosmos
in her beating heart, her pounding paws and joyful breath

the Moonlight
straked her head
finding her way

to the Sett deep in Earth
where Warmth and Love
enveloped her.

How can I follow that?  Well just to say that I broke the ticket machine in the station today by putting Mary's Debit card in the slot meant for money notes.  I was so embarrassed...

See? Badgers are both Divine and silly; a great way to be!

Night Night 

Betty 🐾🐾.


  1. brilliant as usual, proper cheers me up reading Betty's blog :)

    1. Thank you. If we don't laugh then we might just cry. Got to keep hopeful! Betty x

  2. Yes, Dear Betty, Divine and Silly...... How lovely to be silly sometimes. It is a blessing when growing old, one (I mean me!) doesn't worry too much about being silly. I enjoyed reading this post, so many good encounters happened. The Police Huwomen look like centaurs.
    Horse are such wonderful creatures. I bet a million worms that a horse has never trodden on a badger the way Hupeole do with their roaring wheeled boxes.
    I am glad Mr. Gove saw you, it will help him to remember his higher self. You will have to ask Mary what that means.
    Love from Tom

    1. Dear Tom, OOOH! Yes, the Police Huwomen do look like centaurs. And I think I like your "roaring wheeled boxes".
      Do badgers have higher selves? Just wondering because I am a bit scared of heights.... preferring tunnels myself .. Betty XXX

  3. P.S. Did you wash your face in dew as the sun rose this morning?

    1. Well, we Badger Folk don't have a lot of choice with dew as our faces are in it most of the time especially now that the grass is getting so long. I guess that means we have lovely soft skin.. and fur Betty xxx
