Wednesday 18 April 2018

Betty goes Dating

Hello Lovely Hupeople!  Betty here again.  

What an exciting day I had on Thursday.  I made a new friend on the Internet Face Book, I went dating to a Badger Sett and I went to DEFRA. And Mary didn't lose her temper once....

I didn't see Mr Gove today because he was busy talking with Mrs May about a war with Russia.  Here is a picture of Mrs May and Mr Putin from the Daily Express.  

Image result for theresa may warns russia

They both look very tired.  I really think Hupeople are very strange.  We Badgers have been living in Britain since the Ice Age and we have never had a war.... although, just now I wouldn't mind taking revenge on the Chief Vet and some Civil Servants who clearly hate  us Badger Folk.

Today so many lovely DEFRA civil servants said Hello and waved at me, even though they are not allowed to "Engage with the Badger".  One Human said, "Don't be downhearted Betty- you are doing an important job".  Another nice Huperson said "Don't give up Betty".  At least six Hupeople whispered "We are on your Side".  One Huwoman loved my cub Bud because he has red fur like her.  This is a ginger Badger.

Lots of people took my photos today and one of them called Stewart sent Mary his picture of me and he is now my Friend on the the Internet Face Book thing, although I am not really sure what that is.  Mary told me that it is a way of communicating using words and pictures over long distances without talking or grunting.  I wonder if the Face Book uses smells too?  We Badgers know a lot through smells. Here is Stewart's picture. Apparently he is very good at taking pictures; Mary called him an Expert :

I was invited to meet  a new Badger family last night and I thought it might be a good idea for Mr Gove to meet some Badgers too as he has probably never seen a live one- most Hupeople have only seen dead ones run over by cars.   Anyway, I invited him over a week ago to go along with me last night and I was quite hopeful that he would go, but then while I was at DEFRA, Mary got an email from his Personal Secretary saying he couldn't make it because he had another appointment. This sounds hopeful to me so I will invite him again in the summer when the cubs will be big enough to meet him.  I am inviting other Conservatory MPs too, including Mrs Anne Main who likes Badgers and Mr Grant Shapps who doesn't. We will have so much fun.

Oh and I made a new sign to hang outside DEFRA.  It has 3 words  (VACCINATE NOT EXTERMINATE) but 2 of them are very hard words so Mary helped me to spell them: 

Anyway I went to see the Badger family along with my Hupeople friends including Chris and Frank and Elizabeth and her mate and Duke who is a famous musician who has made a song and video about Badgers and Tom who is the lovely kind Human who writes all the supportive and clever comments at the end of most of my blogs.  I think Mary was trying to find me a new mate since Brian was killed in the Kill Cull. It was nice to meet soem new Badger friends and although one of them called Butch was quite handsome, I am still grieving for Brian. Elizabeth sent me some pictures of the Badger family we met :

Did you know that some of the DEFRA staff are being moved out of Smith Square and along to Marsham Street?  What is a Badger to do?  I can't be in 2 places at once.. I wonder how much that is costing the tax payer.  Still, the Government has loads of money since it has already cost  over  £23 Million in 4 years up to 2016 to kill 10,800 of my Badger friends.  That is £1,500 per dead Badger.  If I were clever I would be able to tell you how many nurses that would employ for the NHS. Lots anyway. Did you know that last autumn DEFRA spent £500,000 on radios for the men with flash-bang sticks who were killing my Badger friends in the in the west country?  

In 2017 they killed nearly 20,000 Badger folk but they are not revealing how much that cost, and this Autumn they want to kill 50,000 of us.  They are pretending to consult the public, but we all know what the outcome will be....

But you, my friends, know that this is not just a waste of money that could be used to save lives, but is destroying beautiful creatures, us Badgers, who are not responsible for the death of Cattle.  The farmers are responsible for the death of Cows and Badgers because some of them are just too stupid to see that they are moving cattle and disease around the country to make profits. 

Mary and I are both very sad now because Mary just found a new Government document just published on the Internet all about the Badger Cull. Mary is putting a link in here  Research Briefing     It clearly says that "The Government's policy is that Badger Culling should play a role in the Control of bTB". They promised they would review that but they are not.


They talk about us Badgers as if we are just waste materials. We Badgers like to play and mate and have cubs and eat worms and groom and dig holes. We have a right to live out our lives without Hupeople destroying us because they are too stupid to vaccinate Cows and stop moving sick Cows around the country.

I am not sure I want anything else to do with Hupeople....  I will sleep on it

Night night,

Betty  🐾🐾


  1. I think this Betty's Blog should be sent to Mr Gove :)

  2. I sent it today to Mr Gove's Secretary, and my MP. Thank you for reading my blog and for taking the time to comment. Betty xx

  3. For Betty

    the Ground of All Being,
    ran the forest track
    on four broad paws.

    the Wisdom of the Universe
    found expression
    In her aerodynamic form

    the Life of the Cosmos
    in her beating heart, her pounding paws and joyful breath

    the Moonlight
    straked her head
    finding her way

    to the Sett deep in Earth
    where Warmth and Love
    enveloped her.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Huwoman carried the Badger in her heart
    She carried the Ground of All Being in her heart

    Walking the trails through fields and forests
    She wept as she walked.

    The Being of Love moved in her heart
    The Warmth of compassion lived in her breath

    The Light of Knowing shone in her gaze

    And when she spoke
    A warrior lived in the reverberating air

    Standing near the Seat Of Power
    She let her Light Shine

    And the Badger in the Forest
    Pushed her wet nose into the Earth
    Delighting in the warm glow of her Being.

  6. Mary asked me to tell you how touched she was by your beautiful poem. In fact, words failed her- which is quite unusual. You are a very clever and kind Human with a very big heart. With Love from Betty and Mary xxx
