Your favourite Badger has been busy and risking getting Locked Up in the Lock Down. I persuaded Mary to take me down to London Town for the past three Thursdays to show the world that BETTY BADGER WILL NEVER GIVE UP. We have met lot of famous Humen including Chris Whitty and Gavin Williamson. Last week we met Gavin Williamson, also know as the "Conservative Love Rat", just before he made the announcement about schools opening again. He looked young enough to go to school himself. He did smile at us and say hello.
Then this week we met Chris Whitty who looked very miserable indeed and couldn't raise a smile at all. Still, he probably has a lot on his mind in advising Boris on The Virus.
I am not sure if Badgers can get the Virus but if you Hupeople give us the Virus then Defra would blame us and have another excuse for a Kill-Cull. Your Cows give us bTB then you said it is all our fault and kill us.That's exactly what has happened with bovine TB in Cumbria. An infected Bull was brought over from Northern Ireland to mate with Cows. He spread bTB to the Cows and some of us Badgers caught it so now they are killing us. Last summer they killed 300 of us in Cumbria, all because they wanted fancy Calves from a prize winning infected Bull. Oh, and only 3 of the Badgers you killed had bTB.
This is like a bad fairy story and the wicked witch is Defra. Here is a picture from the Internet Oracle showing George Eustice burning Professor Godfray's report which said that Biosecurity and not Badgers was the real cause of the spread of bTB. He burned all the other statistics showing that killing Badgers will not help stop bTB.
Me and Mary both wore our matching masks for our journey to London Town. We also wore rubber gloves.
We went to Defra but Marsham Street and Smith Square were both deserted. It was all so silent and strange. I wondered if the Virus had already killed everyone in London. We decided to focus our energies on Downing Street as The Media go there every night for an announcement about The Virus.
The Police Officers behind bars in Downing Street seemed pleased to see us back.
The Police Officers seemed to find the situation amusing and they let Mary take their picture for our Blog:
Mary did write to the Metropolitan Police when she got home but they didn't reply, so she assumed that they will quietly let us get on with our Vigil and they haven't bothered us since.
All sorts of strange Hupeople hang around Downing Street...... This week we had a Human who just would not stop shouting about conspiracy theories and how clever he was and Star Wars. After an hour Mary was so annoyed that we went up to him and asked him to stop shouting. as he had given us a headache. He went quiet for a while but was soon back in full voice. We will try to avoid him in future. We did have our picture taken loads of times in recent weeks. Someone came out specially to see us from Downing Street to take our picture. I hope he gives it to Carrie. By the way, Boris didn't reply to our letter; that's a bit disappointing.
The killing of Badgers and their cubs begins on Monday 1st June. Our hearts are broken, and it goes against expert advice and Defra's own plan to begin vaccination. They just want to kill, kill kill Badgers because their puppet masters the NFU want us dead. Lot's of tears will be shed by Badger Lovers in the days to come and some amazing Hupeople in the West Country will try to save Badger lives from the Humen with flash-bang sticks.
So let's try to forget about this for a few minutes. Mary has some videos from the Animals at the bottom of her garden doing bodily functions. First we have the Pheasant mating. Mrs Pheasant doesn't look entirely happy about the process:
And here we have a video on a handsome Fallow Deer urinating:
We nocturnal animals are finding the nights a bit too short at this time of year to gather all the food we need so you might catch us out when it is still light. Here is a video of the 3 Legged Fox in the daylight. You will hear the sound of the Crows and Pheasants giving their Fox warning sound.
If you haven't written to your MP and the TV and the Newspapers and anyone else you can think of about the Badger Kill-Cull please do so today. Our lives may depend on it.
Night Night, Betty
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