Sunday, 1 September 2019

Betty Badger Contaminates a Crime Scene

Hello Fans. We had an exciting time at Defra last week because a crazy Human stabbed a member of Defra staff, just where I normally stand .  Fortunately I didn't arrive until ten  minutes after the stabbing. This is a picture of the knife:

 And here is a picture of the Human who was stabbed.  Just think, it could have been Betty!

There were so many TV cameras and I got asked questions by the TV and press.  They didn't want to hear about the Badger Kill-Cull.  I think I spoiled lots of their pictures by positioning myself just by the crime scene with all my signs.  I got into big trouble when one of my signs flew away into the taped off area.  The Human in uniform told me to hold on to my signs and not contaminate the crime scene again. 

Here is my picture of the the excitement:

I do understand why Hupeople sometimes turn to violence. Mary and I have tried so hard to end the injustice of the Badger Kill-Cull.  We have stood outside Defra for two years, we have been on the Radio, national and local, we have written to the papers, we have seen Mary's MP and we have even had a meeting with the Secretary of State Mr Gove, and yet there is no change to an irrational and cruel policy. Sometimes violence must seem like the only option left to get heard. I have suggested that Mary sets herself on fire outside Defra to get the headlines but she won't agree to that. 

There are lots of peculiar Hupeople in that area around Marsham Street as Mary and I have discovered to our cost.  I am glad to say that the member of staff was not badly hurt.  The crazy Human had a white Ferret with him and Hupeople seemed more worried about the fate of the Ferret rather than the poor Human who was stabbed. Isn't odd that British are a nation of Animal lovers yet they go around killing so many animals like Badgers and Hares and Foxes.  And although Ferrets are related to Badgers we don't seem to matter so much. This is a ferret:

Remember I asked the question in my last Badger log about who was in charge of Defra?  I suggested it was the National Farmers Union.  Well; I was right because a senior member of staff, who will remain nameless, confirmed it this Thursday outside Defra.  It is a big secret.

Badger-loving Hupeople have already set up in their big tents in the West Country ready to try to stop the killing which will begin on Monday, even though Defra hasn't made the announcement yet.  Another one of my Defra Moles told me that the Ministers are all so busy with Brexit that they haven't actually signed the paper yet.  I wonder if that makes the killing unlawful.

But the Hupeople saving our lives in the countryside have already seen the killers putting out peanuts to attract my Badger friends.  Once we know where there are peanuts we cannot resist them.  So tens of thousands of my Badger kin will be tempted by peanuts to their deaths. Because Mary and I are so sad a bout this we won't say much today. Mary's eyes have been leaking a lot lately every time she thinks about all the dead Badgers.  If I could cry then I would too, but Badgers don't cry even when are hearts are broken by wicked Hupeople who kill us even though we are innocent.

I have made some good friends in Defra and, because Hupeople find it easier to talk to a strange Badger than their families, they tell me their problems and I help sort them out.  The jolly Defra Huwoman with red boots came to say goodbye as her contract hasn't been renewed.  She is sad and I will miss her.

Mary is wondering whether to go with me  to the Conservatory Party Conference like she has in the last three years.  We did have so much fun in Manchester before.

I think she's worrying about leaving the Chickens because there is a fox about.  In any case she has probably left it so late to get a room.  It would be fun however if we could get a room in the hotel where all the Conservatories are staying and then I could meet lots of MPs and talk to them.  They mightn't like Betty Badger at the breakfast table though because I am a noisy eater.  Mary said to ask if there is any benefactor out there who can sneak us into the Hotel.  We did try joining the Conservatory Party but they rejected our application...

On the subject of Chickens, Mary has now bought them a play tent!!!  They don't even go inside to shelter from the weather but stand outside pecking it.  I really don't know what Mary sees in Chickens.  All they do is scratch and peck, whereas we Badgers build tunnels and can dig up bees nests and dig under chicken fences and eat chickens.... but I am restraining myself not do that out of kindness to Mary. 

Another positive bit of news.  Mary tells me that her Cat Rufus must have been a mechanic in a previous life because he is fascinated by cars and other machines.  Here is a picture of him learning all about combine harvesters. It is remarkable that he has survives for six years.  He managed to burn a hole in his face when he was inspecting a hot exhaust pipe leaving a circular ring around his eye and has been driven off in the back of a van.  I only wish that Badgers had nine lives...

Mary and I might not write a blog for a while now because, if the Badger Kill-Cull is announced tomorrow, we may have broken hearts, or get arrested because we lose control or I might get killed by the evil Humen with their flash-bang sticks.  We Badgers live in terrible times. 
Au revoirs


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