Jenni Murray was doing a programme about Huwomen Activists. Apparently me and Mary are Activists. I took the family (who Mary carried too) and here are the all cubs on a chair in what they call The Green Room- it wan't green at all but mostly red and grey:
In the Green Room they have drinks but, sadly, no peanuts. Badgers don't drink coffee so we had sparkling water instead and it made our snouts tickle.
There were lots of Huwomen Activists waiting to go on the Woman's Hour show and I took pictures of them all. These Huwomen Melanie Eusebe and Rosamund Urwin are fighting to get more Females on the boards of companies:
Then I met a Huwoman from Japan, Shiori Ito, who has been brave about rape in Japan. Talking about these things has made her unpopular at home and Hupeople have been unkind to her:
The next Huwoman was called Alison Bechdel who has written a book and a Play about her life. It is called Fun House which I thought would be jolly but it is about a funeral parlour and difficulties in having one's identity accepted. Apparently the play is brilliant and almost sold out. I really liked Alison because she drew some pictures of me; she is very clever. I think she said that she comes from Lesbos, or perhaps it was America- I am not really sure:
Alison and Shiori had companions who told me they were publicists. I think I need a publicist, although Mary is probably one of those for me. I also met a bubbly young Huwoman called Grace but my camera didn't work. so I have stolen picture from the internet:
Grace used a really rude word that begins with a W which is not allowed on Radio 4 but they didn't shout at her..
And then, and then..... Jenni Murray came to see us and we were so excited to meet her and she was so pleased to meet all us Activists and she specially liked my cubs. Sadly I was so overwhelmed by meeting Jenni, the Queen of Radio 4, that rather than taking picture of her I took a picture of myself as my camera was the wrong way round. So, I have had to steal another picture :
Jenni Murray is a lovely funny kind lady. We had to go into a a big box called a Studio and put earphones on our heads and behave ourselves. Unfortunately Mary and I were tired after our very long hot journey and we were nervous and didn't give of our best so were quite down-hearted. Dianne the Producer told us we were OK. One question my mate Jenni asked was when we would stop protesting outside DEFRA which is very hard for us to answer because we don't want to stop until they stop shooting my Badger friends. They have already killed 70,000
However, I must tell you a bit of a secret which Mary may be a bit annoyed with me for sharing. Well when Huwomen get a bit older they can suffer from something called Bladder Weakness. Now, Hupeople can also suffer from Hay Fever which makes them sneeze. Mary says that Bladder Weakness and Hay Fever are a disastrous combination and she is not sure if she can manage another summer after this one without being embarrassed. I said that she might send a message to Tena who make things called Lady Pants for women of Mary's age. They might sponsor her so that she doesn't have to worry any more. Imagine their advertising promotion : "Tena saves Betty Badger's Blushes".
After seeing Jenni and her friends me and Mary did an unscheduled visit to DEFRA which confused Hupeople because we went on Wednesday rather than Thursday. Our visit made us feel a bit happier because we met our lovely friends and supporters at DEFRA and the Home Office who said things like, "Go Betty". "Keep it up Betty", "We're on your side Betty."
I am going to stop now because Mary and I have to go on a Mission of Mercy. Today we found a Badger who had been run over by a car going too fast. Mary saw that the Badger was a mother who was still feeding her cubs. So we are going out to find the cubs and give them food and water because we don't want them to die too. Mary is a bit nervous walking out in the dark in the field on her own because she does have a habit of falling down rabbit holes. Also the local land owners don't like her because she loves animals and they like killing them. So they call Mary an Animal Rights Activist. Well, if she wasn't an Activist she wouldn't have met Jenni and all the other wonderful Huwomen at the BBC, so she doesn't mind too much.
By the way, I haven't told you half of our stories yet, because we also went to DEFRA on Thursday and some of our fans came to see us after hearing us on Woman's Hour. And so much more....
Night Night,
Betty Badger, Media Star.🐾🐾