but the Cubs really enjoyed it.
BLM means Black Lives Matter. On that rainy day I stood in my usual place in front of Downing Street and the BLM hupeople crossed over the road to join me. The Police were not happy about this and told them to go back to the other side of Whitehall. The protesters said that if the Badger could stand outside Downing Street then they could too. The Police explained that single Badgers or Hupeople are allowed outside Downing Street but not groups. This is the Law.
Anyway, because there was a big fuss I told the Police I was happy to go to the other side of Whitehall and the BLMs followed me. We all got so wet and I felt so sorry for the BLMs as their nice flags and clothes got so wet. Here they are:
And here is some of the writing their friends did on the walls. I wonder if Mary should do that too... :
And here is some of the family along Whitehall keeping their paws off the ground to keep them dry.
On the next Thursday the weather was 34 degrees, Mary said, which meant it was too hot and our brains began to boil. The police officers were worried about us and offered us water and help. When we saw the paramedics and emergency ambulance come we thought it was for us, but it was someone inside Downing Street. We survived, although Mary was pretty smelly by the time we finished.
BLM means Black Lives Matter. It's about treating Hupeople differently because they are a different colour or race. You might call that racism. There is something called speciesism which means it's OK to make Chickens and Pigs suffer all their lives and then eat them, but not OK to do the same thing to Dogs and Cats. Although in some countries that's OK too. In India Cows are sacred and you can be punished if you hurt one. Humans are strange. One of Mary's favourite quotations is from Bill Hicks and it says , "Humans are Virus with Shoes" and I think he might be right....
BLM can also means Badgers Lives Matter or we could set up a group called B&WALM specially for Badgers being shot in the kill-cull meaning Black and White Animals Matter. They do you know....to Badgers and their friends like Mary. If they didn't, she wouldn't have been going to London on Thursdays for all these years. Of course, Zebras and Skunks could also join...
We have found a way to make our trips to London Town more fun. Now that we go to Downing Street rather than Defra we get off the silver tube and walk though St James' Park. Oh what a place, full of water and strange Creatures and plants. Sadly there are no Badgers still, being so close to Parly Ment, they would probably shoot us anyway. We have met the big Geese and the Swans and their Cygnets who their parents are teaching to beg. I think the animals are hungry because there are so few tourists. A Squirrel ran up Mary's leg looking for food. Everyone wants to kill Grey Squirrels because they are aliens, but they love Red Squirrels- another example of speciesism and racism. We Badgers have been in the country since the Ice Age yet, although we are not aliens, the farmers want us all dead..
Humans play God and decide which Animals are acceptable and which are not. They used to kill Red Squirrels but now they are regarded as cute and acceptable. As I said last time, if an animal reduces profit then it is vermin. This is a grey squirrel ; I think they are nice Animals and I only wish I could leap from tree to tree like they do.
The strangest Creatures of all in the park are Pelicans. They were brought to the country in 1664 by a Russian Ambassador and have been there ever since. They like eating Fish but one of them ate a whole Pigeon while it was still alive and that upset the tourists. . I keep the Cubs well away from the Pelicans, just in case, although I do like a chat with them. Here is a picture of Pelicans by Dave Pearce, because it is better than Mary's picture.
And here are the swans
Sadly, Rosie the chicken died in spite of the Buffet and Hobnobs that helped her feel better for a few days but the peritonitis got her finally. I bet if you had to have a baby every day for years your insides would be pretty worn out too. Still, there is some good news on the bird front. Mr & Mrs Pheasant have had Chicks, so all that mating I showed you a video of was not in vain. Unfortunately their numbers are dropping by the day as various predators including Fox and Buzzard pick them off. We still had three in the garden yesterday but who knows what today will bring for the little family...
If we didn't have predators then the world would be overrun with Creatures. Since Hupeople have killed all their own predators Nature invented Viruses to control their numbers, although we need another more serious virus to really get their numbers down to where they stop destroying the Animals and the Planet. Badgers used to have predators including bears and lions but the Hupeople killed them. But of course we are not out of control because we are sensible with our mating. Here is a baby pheasant.
We saw the Fox this morning with something in its mouth. We only hope it's not one of the babies: Here is a video of the incident.
There is another petition to stop the Badger Kill-Cull and there has been something in the Press saying that the government has gone back on its word about phasing out the killing, which they have. Here is a link to the petition so you can sign it. Badger Petition
Mary's garden is overrun with Rats because they like eating the Chicken food, so Mary has invested a lot of money in something called a Grandpa's Feeder. It is not for feeding Grandfathers but for feeding Chickens. The Chicken stands on the treadle and the lid opens and then they can get to the food. It takes three weeks to train them to use it. Personally I think the Rats will get the idea before the Chickens and some of them are heavy enough to make the treadle work. Here is a picture of the new feeder :
....and here is a picture of one of Mary's Rats taken by her friend Andrew They hang off the feeders and swing from the gutters. Mary always hopes her visitors don't notice them...
We have met lots of interesting Hupeople in recent weeks. We met Richard who works for the Railways. He was very friendly and he loves Badgers. Last Thursday we met two Humen from the RAF in Norfolk. RAF Humen have wings and can fly. They are trying to get the public to like them so they had their picture taken with me to show how nice they are. I think Mary was particularly attracted to one of them....
I had my picture taken with lots of Human Cubs and I only made one of them cry... I am quite scary to small Children and Dogs. And a couple of Hupeople tried to give me money, but I said no, because you can't eat money because the coins break your teeth. Badgers don't need money; we only need love and compassion.
We had a big lovely surprise when Nuclear Human came walking up to me and said hello. We always meet him and his Dog outside the Conservatory Party Conferences in Birmingham and Man Chester. He is committed like Mary, although some people might describe them as eccentric. Here is his picture from some years ago:
Mary has more poorly hens and she took them to the vet on Friday to have implants put in to stop them laying eggs to give their bodies a break. Anyway, Mary's metal box on wheels broke down in the vet car park where she and the chickens were stranded for 3 hours. The chickens were happy enough but Mary got an idea of what their lives might have been like before they were rescued, but only for 3 hours and not for 18 months... Here are Clover and Buttercup waiting patiently for the RAC Human Andrew, who was lovely.
There re too many Chickens in this Blog this week so, to finish, I will tell you something interesting about Badgers. Here is a sign I saw at St James Park:
That's how I knew it was a park...... That was a joke! Apparently all the Hupeople toilets are closed because of the Lock Up and there is Poo everywhere. Mary says we Badgers are quite Fastidious in our toilet habits. That big word means we are very concerned about matters of cleanliness. Well it looks as it the Human species isn't very fastidious. One Human urinated in Whitehall the other week. I would never do that... We Badgers dig out latrines at a polite distance from our setts so we don't spoil the nice fresh atmosphere around our home. We all know where it is so we don't accidentally stumble into it. Here is a picture.....and our poo is usually green, much nicer than Human poo!
Well clearly I have plumbed the depths when I begin talking about Poo so I had better finish. Mary sends her best wishes to all Badger Lovers.
Night Night,
Betty 🐾🐾