Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Betty Muses on Life and Death

Hello Fans,Betty is back. In fact I never went away but Mary has been too busy looking after her very, very old mother to help me use the computer.  However, we have been to the three DEFRA offices every week and we have lots of news.

At DEFRA Marsham Street I met three lovey Hupeople protesting against the killing of grey squirrels.  Here is their picture:  

They want everyone to sign their petition to stop animal vets being forced to kill any squirrels who are brought in for medical treatment. 

Hupeople are blaming the grey Squirrels for killing the red ones but I have heard that the red ones are declining because Hupeople are cutting down too many trees and destroying their habitats.  Not many people know but we used to kill red squirrels too and that has affected the numbers.   They were accused of damaging trees and eating eggs.

Muntjac deer as well as grey squirrels are to be designated as illegal aliens and vets won't be able to treat them either,  This is very sad for me because some of my best friends are Muntjac deer.  Here is a video of me playing with my deer and fox friends a couple of nights ago:

There were 2 foxes last week but the gamekeeper shot the other one.

Mary's friend Tom, who sometimes writes nice comments on my blog, sent her some very sad information about the Defra's Natural England who has allowed the killing of 170,000 wild birds in the last five years.  This is the headline from The Guardian : "Natural England has given permission to kill birds of more than 70 species, or have their nests and eggs destroyed. These include peregrine falcons, barn owls, buzzards and red kites, alongside garden favourites such as robins, blackbirds and blue tits. A licence was even issued to destroy a wrens’ nest to “preserve public safety” in South Yorkshire."

If you want a link to the article this is it : Natural England allows lots of killing
I wonder who makes these dreadful decisions to kill wild animals like Badgers, and Squirrels and Ravens and wrens?  How do they sleep at night?  

We saw Mr Farage again and this time he had only two bodyguards.  Perhaps his life isn't so much at risk now as you Hupeople are fed up with all your politicians.  And I am happy to report that I have seem Mr Gove twice and on both occasions he stopped and said hello.  He hesitated and I think he was going to have a chat with me but then thought better of it, probably because he thought I might bite off some body part.  Dear Mr Gove I promise I won't...yet.  This is a nice picture of Mr Gove.  I think he will be the Prime Minister one day.

Image result for michael gove

I heard that The NFU had their Annual Conference yesterday and were calling for even more badger deaths.  Lots of lies were told, for example they said how the incidence of Cow TB is going down since the killing of Badgers, began.  It is going up.  Also another farmer has been sent to court for moving cattle illegally, therefore risking the spread of TB.  And STILL they blame Badgers.

In our sett the cubs are being born now and our home is full of the squeals of new life.  None for me this year but perhaps one day.....  Remember the picture I showed you last year? This is what they look like:

They won't be leaving the set for a while because they can't see.   I would like to remind all you Hupeople that you must be especially careful when you are driving your metal boxes on wheels because if you knock over a nursing mother all the little cubs will die of starvation.  So please drive very slowly. 

It is so wonderful to see the new life carrying our Badger memories, stories and our paths on into the future. We have been trundling around the British Islands since Ice Age.  It is so sad that some of our tribes have already died out in parts because of persecution.  I will never understand Hupeople.

Still there are some lovely Hupeople who hep us and some of you are reading this.  We Badgers thank you from the bottom of our stripey hearts

At the other end of life is old age.  I am now a middle aged Badger.  We can live for fifteen years, but many of us die much younger because of hunger, thirst, road accidents and DEFRA.

Mary's mother is so ancient at 88 that she is starting to crumble in every way,  She has just broken her arm and her hip and possibly her mind.  But she still remembers my name and the fact that I go with Mary every Thursday to DEFRA.    I think they decided she was crazy when she told everyone in hospital that her daughter goes to Defra every Thursday with a Badger.  I must tell them that she is not delirious and that her daughter does in fact do that.  Here is Mary's mother:

I am going to stay well away from Hospitals (except Tiggywinkles who are kind to animals)  because they stick tubes up your nose, needles in your stomach and suppositories in  your bottom.   

I am going to finish now as Mary has to go to Hospital again to see her mother.  But we will still be at DEFRA on Thursday and hope that Mr Gove will stop and talk to us this week

I discovered today that DEFRA and security staff are now calling Thursday "Betty Day." Isn't that jolly?   

Night Night, Betty 🐾🐾🐾