Thursday, 31 January 2019

Betty and the BBC and Mr Gove

Hello Betty Fans,  Oh what an exciting day I had with Lovely Luke from the BBC who followed me around on my journey and, guess what, I met my arch enemies Mr Gove and Mr Eustice . 
 Image result for ipm bbc

But I am running ahead of my story.  Mary sent a sentence of news to the BBC Radio 4 iPM programme expressing her ambivalence about going to London every week.  I thought she meant she enjoyed it but "ambivalence" is a big word for a Badger and she told me it meant that she was in 2 minds about going.  I think that's a bit shabby- I thought she liked our adventures. Anyway, the BBC got in touch with Mary and said Luke Jones would like to go with me and Mary on our weekly trip to DEFRA.  I told Luke to make sure he wrapped up warm because we have had snow and it was really, really cold. Here is a picture of the snow in Mary's garden.  The Chickens did not like it- they aren't tough like us Badgers.

Luke came to Mary's house and she drove him to the station.  I told him how brave he was  going in the car with her.  We all stood on the platform being interviewed by Luke.  Then we went on the train and the silver tubeworm.  We walked to our first DEFRA venue in Smith Square and Luke asked me and Mary lots of questions about why we have been going to DEFRA every Thursday for 18 months. Mary said it was to bring to attention the cruelty, irrationality and cost of killing 70,000 Badgers in the last five years, 

This is Luke.  

He is very clever and charming and Mary said he will be famous one day; he has already run the proper PM programme once I think.  He probably wants to be the next Eddie Mair or, more likely, Louis Theroux.   You Hupeople who don't listen to the radio may have no idea what I am talking about.  Radio 4 is  radio station that intellectual older people like Mary listen to, although Radio 4 is  trying to be more "accessible" to younger  and  less clever folk.  Which will probably explain why all the important serious bits Mary told Luke were edited out and the programme became a jolly day out with a Badger-mad eccentric. Still we laughed a lot, especially when Mary had to explain to Luke that Gays were not Badgers.

We stood outside DEFRA and people waved but DEFRA staff were very shy when they saw the microphone and didn't want to say anything that might get them in trouble. We even saw Mr Gove's lovely driver but I didn't tell Luke because I didn't want to cause any trouble for my friend. One lovely Human who was delivering a parcel said how much he liked badgers.  He told us all about Honey Badgers who live a long way away.  They are not as handsome a European Badgers:

Image result for honey badger

When these Badgers are in the mood for mating, they become super-badgers and will even attack a big Bear.  Their speciality is biting off the testicles of Bears or anyone else who gets in the way of their passions.  Luke cut that part of the interview out. Here is a picture of Mr Gove and Mr Eustice with Mrs May.  They both look a bit worried; perhaps they know that an Angry Badger is after them.  

Actually I had just told Luke how much I hated these Ministers because they have killed my Brian and Bryony and all the other 70,000 Badgers for no good scientific reason   Mr Gove and Mr Eustice came along later and, in his usual polite fashion, Mr Gove said Hello.  Mr Eustice smiled; if only they knew what I was thinking about.  They are very lucky that I am not a Honey Badger but am instead a polite British Badger who doesn't eat testicles.

Or perhaps they did know because what should come along  but a Pest Control Van that parked next to me:

Obviously there wasn't a Badger Control Van nearby so they sent a Beaver Van instead.  I quickly moved on from Great Peter Street to Marsham Street to get out of danger.  I sent Luke home because he turned blue.  These London types just don't know how to dress for standing around in freezing temperatures

I had lots of people taking their Selfies with me and promising to tweet and Instagram me.    Mary dragged me home early because she was worried about her Chickens dying of cold.    Once we got home she got out one of her best bed coverings and put it on the snow to stop their feet getting cold.  Honestly!

Mary heard her radio programme on Saturday evening by accident.  She was a bit annoyed that taking me to London every week was under the heading of an "extreme hobby"!!!  She had hoped for a more intelligent and serious article, but at least she might have raised the profile of Badgers for me.  And Luke was good company.  I think he owes Mary and me an interview with Mr Gove and Mr Eustice..  Now THAT would make a jolly programme for iPM and I promise not to bite any part of their bodies.... below the waist anyway.

If you want to hear Mary then this is the link to the programme:
Betty on BBC Radio 4

We went to DEFRA again today but we had no great adventures.  One man did shout at me and said I should be worrying about the world and not Badgers.  I told him that we worry about everything and want to make the whole world a better place for Hupeople and Badgers and Polar bears , even for Chickens.  I reminded him of the words of Mahatma Gandhi who said "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Britain isn't doing very well on that score...

Night Night fans


Sunday, 13 January 2019

Betty is Back with Renewed Energy

Hello Fans.  Your favourite Badger is back at DEFRA and full of new energy and determination after the Xmas recess.  If M.P.s can have a recess then Badgers can too.

And what an exciting day I had at DEFRA today with serenading, friendship and Nigel Farage.  He was strolling along Great Peter Street at the centre of a square of 4 people- probably his minders.  He did look at me but didn't come and talk to me. I think that was a bit rude; It is not every day he will see the wondrous sight of a 6 foot Badger in Westminster. 

I also had a visit from Dominic Dyer of The Badger Trust who is still talking to other organisations so they will come together and work to save Badgers.  Some of these NGOs  (which means non governmental organisations) do a lot of talking and write lots of reports and it would good to see them actually making a difference to the lives of Hupeople and Badgers. This is Dominic with me and some Badger friends in Westminster:

I spent an hour at each of the three DEFRA offices doors in Smith Square, Great Peter Street and Marsham Street, so I met lots of my old Hupoeple friends who were glad to see me... and without the blood... 

So there was no escape from Betty today, except for Mr Gove who has managed to avoid me for months now by sneaking in a back entrance where Badgers aren't allowed.  He refuses to meet me or answer my letters or my emails or my tweets so that shows he is feeling guilty and is a coward. I was feeling quite naughty, so I hung one of my posters on their sign at Smith Square. 

Then I heard the sound of singing and music and it was anti-Brexit musicians.  Mary said that these musical Hupeople wanted to have freedom to sing and play instruments around Europe. 

 It was nice to hear the pretty noises .  There was then a concert of Baroque music in St John's Church in Smith Square  but Mary said they don't let Badgers in because of we might join in, and we don't sing very well and we have fleas...  We Badgers do enjoy a good scratch....

We met a very old Huwoman going to the music concert.  She was thrilled to see us because many, many years ago she had been protesting outside DEFRA and decorators poured paint on her and her friends- she sued them...  I wonder if I will go back when I am really old and the Kill-Cull has ended and look nostalgically  at DEFRA's door.  Probably I will be shot by then.  But perhaps my cubs will come back one day.  I brought them all with me on Thursday.  Here they are:

The homeless people were back at Pimlico station; perhaps because Hupeople are only kind to them at Christmas.   One of them had his head under a lovely picture of a Huwoman. Mary said she might be an angel.and I hope that was a comfort.   Badgers don't believe in angels, although we do believe in fairies because they come out and play with us at night

Mary still has 5 chickens.  They are called Orlando, Goldie, Ginger Daisy and another Henrietta.  They follow us everywhere and their favourite food is grapes, although I am a bit annoyed because when Mary was digging her vegetable bed they pinched all the worms.  I am really not happy about these chickens.  

Mary and I went to the local Badger meeting on Tuesday because there was a talk about a Huwoman called Eileen Soper who drew the pictures for the Enid Blyton Famous Five books.  What most Hupeople don't know is that she loved Badgers and she spent years visiting a Badger Sett close to her house and became a Badger expert .

The talk was really interesting but the Human called Peter showed us lot of his slides and some of them were quite shocking.  He had picture of Badgers MATING! AND HAVING AN ORGY.  Obviously there is nothing wrong with mating and having an orgy, because we Badgers, just like Humans, like mating all the year round, but we don't like Hupeople taking secret pictures of us while we are enjoying the pleasures of the furry flesh.  Imagine if we Badgers put cameras in your bedrooms and we then showed the pictures to all our friends in the woods.  You would probably call that pornography and an invasion of privacy.   This is Badger pornography then.....

If  you have been reading my blog for the past year or so you probably know quite a lot about Badgers.  You might know that we can live for around ten years. We eat mostly worms and love peanuts, which is how the wicked DEFRA people catch us by putting peanuts in their traps and then they shoot us, like they did my cub Bryony.  I still have a broken heart.   We live underground during the day and tend to come out at night.  But in the summer when the days are long, if you are very quiet and not too smelly, you might catch us playing out on a sunny evening.   If it is very cold we stay underground in our setts a lot in the Cold Time. We do pop up on warmer days to clear out our tunnels and put in some nice fresh grass and leaves.

Oh and we are indeed a bit promiscuous Irish research has shown Badgers carrying a collection of cubs inside their bodies fathered by different males at different times.  Of course, I was always faithful to Brian who was killed in the 2017 Kill-Cull when my heart was broken for the first time.  Life is hard for Badgers these days but, then again, it always has been  

Interesting fact: the Dachsund was bred to hunt Badgers that is why it is long and thin with short legs so it can fit down our tunnels.  Dachshund in German means Badger Hound.  I definitely don't like them, or any other dog for that matter.

I spoke with a Huwoman from the BBC this week ., but it is a big secret so I can't tell you any more.  I am quite excited.... Let's finish my Blog with a nice picture of a Badger friend .  This is to remind you that we Badgers are lovely- much nicer than chickens- and we are worth fighting for...  

Night Night,  

Betty Badger 🐾🐾🐾