Saturday, 30 September 2017

One benefit of having your nose so close to the ground is that you can use the dew covered cobwebs to clear out your nose.  London Town town has air that smells very bad and my nose needed a good webbing when I got back.  No wonder lots of the people look so sad having to breathe air like that.  I was too excited to sleep today remembering all the experiences I had.  The most thrilling was THE TUBE, which is like a very large earthworm that is all lit up.  You get eaten voluntarily by it and you come out unscathed somewhere else.  It makes very long and deep tunnels- I was impressed.  We don't have TUBEWORMS in the West County.

I also remember one Huwoman shouting at me.  I was wearing a sign that said "I AM INNOCENT". She said that I wasn't because I eat bees' honey.  Well, true enough, but if I'd had time to think on my paws fast enough I might have reminded her that she steals bees' honey too!

Even though I was pretty tired after my adventures, I went foraging with my friends once the sun had set last night.  There was a bit of a party atmosphere in my pet Human's garden.  Bob, who is not a badger but is OK for a Human, often leaves us a few snacks before he goes off to bed.  Well last night he was very generous and left rich tea biscuits, cat food and, the badger favourite, peanuts with red skins.  You can see in the picture that we all had a good time...

Sadly it was red skin peanuts that led to my Brian's death.  The Humen with their flash-bang sticks place nuts in metal cages which are actually traps.  When they find you in the trap they kill you.  Actually, sometimes they just go about killing anything that moves, and then all sorts of animals are left injured and bleeding.  But there is a little good news because there are kind Humen and Huwomen going out at night letting some of our friends out of the cages. But they can't find all of us..

My Human friend Bob was telling me about a LLama called Daily, also called the Daily LLama who is very wise and, I imagine, rather hairy.  Well, Daily Llama said that you can judge a country by the way it treats it animals.  I think the English are not being kind to Badgers, as they are planning to kill over 33,000 of my friends in the next few weeks.

Bob tells me that the Chief Huwoman, Mrs May, is having a big meeting with her clan over the  next few days in a place called Man Chester in the North Country.  She will be meeting all her friends and her chum Michael Gove will be there.  I understand that he is the man who has decided to kill me and my friends.  I would like to meet him to ask him why?  He does look a bit like a badger- perhaps that's why he doesn't like us.

Bob says he will try to get me up to the meeting in Man Chester.   That should be fun.

Friday, 29 September 2017

Betty Badger goes to London Town

I am Betty Badger and today I went to London to meet the Prime Minister at Downing Street where she has a very nice sett, or house as she calls it.  Her sett has lots of blue Humans in
peaked hats surrounding it, carrying big sticks and they growl at you if you try to get to visit her house. She must be very important.

Unfortunately the PM Mrs May was not at home.  She was busy in Europe where she was talking about something called Brexit.   British Humans spend a lot of time worrying about Brexit, so much so that they forget to mention that they are killing thousands of Badgers at the moment.  

I wanted to tell Mrs May that her friends are making Badgers very unhappy.  My husband Brian was caught in a trap and died with a big flash and a bang three days ago.  I cried for a day, but life has to go on and rather than wallowing in tears I thought I would go and find out what is going on. 

I met lots of Humans who wanted to have their photo taken with me outside Downing Street.  These Humans, called Tourists, came from all around the world and were all different shapes, sizes and colours and spoke in different ways.  The little humans were all very excited to see me and they called me "cute".  I felt like quite a celebrity. Some Humans even offered me money- but that's no use to me.  Now, it they had offered me peanuts that would have made my day.

I met a nice Lady who shook my hand and told me she was on my side.  She told me about a lovely Human called Chris Packham who is trying to stop Humans with flash-bang sticks from killing my friends and family. She told me to write a BLog which is short for Badger Log.

So this is it: an old Badger's first attempt to write a BLog.  I hope I might make some Human friends who will help to save Badger lives